Custom web application


Web application on LAMP environment for managing quotes and orders in the furniture industry.


The primary objective is to equip all points stores across the country with a single centralized application connected to the head office management system. This solution enables efficient and unified management of customer records, quotes and orders, optimizing processes and ensuring a more personalized and satisfying customer experience.


The activity was divided into the following phases:

  • requirements and data flow analysis;
  • implementation of demonstration application for validation;
  • development;
  • testing and release;
  • monitoring.

Requirements and data flow analysis

The analysis, carried out both at headquarters and at individual stores scattered throughout the country, made it possible to verify the working method and the way data is transmitted from the stores to headquarters.

On the basis of the data collected, it was then possible to precisely define which performance indicators, alerts and reports are needed by headquarters to monitor the activity of the stores in real time and ensure compliance with the set quality and quantity standards.

Implementation of demonstration application for validation

To ensure careful validation of requirements and technical specifications, we developed a demonstration application with a basic intuitive user interface. This prototyping allowed the customer to interact directly with the product under development, providing us with feedback and enabling us to make necessary changes in a timely and collaborative manner.


The development process adopted an incremental approach, breaking down functionality into successive releases. Each increment was subjected to rigorous testing and validated directly by the customer, whose feedback was critical in guiding the development of subsequent iterations in order to achieve a final result that fully met the customer’s expectations.

Testing and release

Upon completion of development, the application was subjected to an intensive testing campaign, aimed at verifying exact correspondence with the required functional and nonfunctional requirements. Tests were performed simulating different usage scenarios and error conditions.

Having successfully passed all the tests, deployment to a pre-production environment was carried out for further customer acceptance testing. Following final approval, the application was released into the production environment, initiating the maintenance and support phase.


Once the application was released, a careful phase of continuous monitoring began to ensure a smooth and satisfactory user experience, promptly identifying and fixing any technical or usability problems in order to safeguard data and systems security.


The web application has markedly improved data management at the stores, significantly automating and speeding up the sending of crucial information such as customer data, quotes, and orders to headquarters.
Thanks to the implemented control logic, the frequency and severity of errors have dramatically decreased, optimizing internal processes and ensuring more accurate information.

From headquarters, data is automatically integrated into the company’s management system, enabling a unified and up-to-date real-time view of the status of operations, supporting more informed and strategic decision making.

  • Web applications

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