ETL integration between ERP and web application


High-traffic LAMP-based portal in the automotive sector.


The customer reports difficulties in manually updating images, missed updates that cause display problems and slow page loading. They request automation of image synchronization with monitoring and an improvement in portal performance.


Automated synchronization

To improve synchronization, we have implemented the following flow:

  1. Upload images from the management system to a data exchange area using an S3 bucket.

  2. For each change made to the S3 bucket, a Python Lambda function is triggered to generate thumbnails.

  3. The thumbnails generated by the Lambda function are saved to an S3 bucket.

Cloudwatch has been configured for monitoring with alerts and notifications via email/SMS in case of errors during execution.


Performance optimization

Based on our analysis, we noticed that the portal’s assets were being served without any optimization. To improve performance, in addition to generating thumbnails, a CDN in Cloudfront was configured for asset delivery. Furthermore, if the request comes from a mobile device, the images are further optimized by reducing the resolution using the Lambda@Edge service.


Integration scheme between ERP and web application with AWS

Integration scheme between ERP and web application with AWS

Technology stack

  • S3 (Staging and image source)
  • Cloudfront (cdn for image delivery)
  • Lambda (thumbnail generation)
  • Lambda@Edge (thumbnail generation for mobile devices)
  • Cloudwatch (monitoraggio and alert)

The new synchronization process has allowed to manage the update of about 160,000 images and the generation of the relative 480,000 thumbnails in one tenth of the time compared to the previous procedure.

On the portal, the loading time of pages and images has been reduced, improving the web vitals, and therefore also obtaining a benefit on SEO.

The cost of the AWS services used is less than $5 per month and includes:

  • Storage space used on S3;
  • Lambdas execution;
  • Bandwidth used by Cloudfront for the delivery of the assets.
  • Integrations and ETL processes

  • Cloud

  • Web applications

contact us
For more information or to discuss your specific needs, please feel free to contact us by filling out the form or by emailing us at [email protected]
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