SEO and performance improvement


Italian furniture company specializing in the production of wooden house furniture.


The client’s need is to increase the visibility of their website and promote the company’s products by highlighting the craftsmanship and uniqueness of their processes.

In addition, the company needs to dispose a product line and introduce a new one, trying to minimize the impact on website traffic due to the removal of the section from the site.


The activity was carried out in three phases:

First phase

Conduct a comprehensive SEO audit and technical site review across various aspects to identify areas for improvement and optimize performance:

  • Keywords: Research and identify keywords to optimize;
  • Current positioning: Analyze the website’s positioning on search engines;
  • Platform and code: Verify the status of the site’s platform and code;
  • Positioning: Check the positioning and traffic related to the product line section to be removed;
  • Performance: Analyze the site’s performance.

Second phase
Based on the data obtained during the first phase, we have created a targeted action plan based on technical optimization and, in synergy with the client’s communication agency, the creation of engaging content:

  • updating the CMS platform and removing unused plugins;
  • refactoring the template code for better readability and performance;
  • configuring a caching system for fast loading;
  • resolving various technical, content and UI/UX issues;
  • in close collaboration with the communication agency that follows the client, we have assisted the copywriter in writing high-quality articles according to a well-defined editorial plan;
  • removal of pages related to the product line to be closed and management of redirects, minimizing the negative impact on SEO.

Performance monitoring

Following a data-driven approach, we employed tracking and analysis tools to constantly monitor the website’s search engine ranking and traffic flow. The data collected was then used to create detailed monthly reports, shared with the client to ensure maximum transparency and collaboration.
The analysis of the reports allowed us to refine our strategies and interventions, adapting them to the specific needs of the client and the ever-evolving market trends.


The implemented actions have resulted in:

  • organic traffic: increased website visits from search engines by 120%, achieving significantly higher online visibility.
  • leads: significantly increased the number of potential contacts interested in the company’s products and services, translating increased visibility into concrete business opportunities.
  • new product line: minimized traffic loss from removing the section dedicated to discontinued products by implementing redirection strategies and promoting remaining lines.
  • UI/UX: improved the usability of the website on mobile devices, ensuring a smooth and engaging user experience that encourages visitors to convert into customers.


SEO audit Slash

  • Mobile web development

  • UI/UX

  • Seo

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